Black Bamboo Woven Furniture Texture
It is a piece of woven furniture made of soften bamboo strips. This texture is gorgeous for garden chairs or baskets.
Wicker and Rattan Furniture Texture
It is a good wicker material for texturing rattan type furniture. Grains and darken color variance can be found on the surface.

The width of rattan threads, the gap between threads and color variation level can be tuned by the SBSAR file.
Bamboo Fence Texture
This fencing wall is made of bamboos. The color variation and micro surface is clearly shown. If you want it to be more green, you can adjust the hue.
Woven Basket / Rattan Basket / Wicker
It is a woven basket or simply a wicker. With this texture, a plain box can instantly be turned into a woven basket. Cracks and texture of bamboo or pliable plants can be seen.
Woven Reed or Ratten Wicker Texture
It is a wicker texture woven from reed, ratten or bamboo like material. It is a light and sturdy material for making furniture ranging from boxes to chairs.

The surface is full of vein textures of plants. Mold and dirt could also be found on the the surface.