Entirely Worn Leather Texture
It is a piece of totally worn leather.

The superficial is completely ripped off, so the underneath vein or root like texture is exposed. The inner texture is like a network spreading across the whole surface.
Rusty Metal Plate Texture with Round Cap Nails
It is a tremendously rusted metal plate. Thick layers of rust cover the whole iron surface, but the rust is thinner around round cap nails.

The rust has different colors including light brown, dark brown, orange and black.

Scratches can also be found on the rusty superficial.
Oxidized Metal Plate Texture with Round Cap Nails
This highly oxidized metal plate is full of round cap nails, but well aligned. It is usually used as covers for containers.

Dirt has accumulated around round caps as those are good places to hide debris.

Oxidation has different degrees too. It can be proved by different reflectivity.

Of course, scratches cannot be omitted for oxidized iron metals.
100% Rusty Metal or Iron Texture
This texture is a completely rusted out metal plate which has a few layers of rust. Due to weathering, the iron has different degrees of worn out parts and eroded areas. Corroded surface makes its surface highly bumpy.
Hammered and Oxidized Metal Plate Texture
It is a cobalt or nickel like metal plate. The surface has been hammered, so it is very uneven and bumpy. The surface is also oxidized affecting the reflection.
Corrugated Metal Sheets with Cuts and Scratches
This texture composes of multiple corrugated sheets of metal stacking on each other. The wavy shape of corrugated metals makes it stands out among other metals.

If you look at it carefully, you will find there are rusty cuts and scratches.
Broken Square Tile Texture
This is an old-fashioned square tiles. The tiles are severely damaged, so it exposes the white and brown base material.

It is extremely bumpy and with many missing pieces.
Fish Scale Roof Tile Texture
The classical fish scale roof tiles make up this weary rooftop texture. It is a worn-out rooftop with a lot of dirt, scratches and mosses.

The surface is rather bumpy and holey due to aging.
Rock Texture with Sharp Edges
These rocks have a lot of sharp edges and the surface is full of tiny stones.

If you examine the edges closely, you will find there is sand between rocks.

This texture is appropriate for both walls and floors.

It is a variant of Rock 0001, but without pebbles.
Rock Texture with Sharp Edges
These rocks have a lot of sharp edges and the surface is full of tiny stones and pebbles.

If you examine the edges closely, you will find there is sand between rocks.
Crumpled or Wrinkled Aluminum Foil Texture
Obviously, it is an aluminum foil with a lot of wrinkles. It keeps the high reflectivity of aluminum though it is highly crumpled.
Rusty Metal Texture with Bumpy Surface
It is a plain metal plate having uneven surface. It is highly oxidized. It is not as reflective as new metal, but it still has a little glossiness.

As usual, highly oxidized iron comes with rust.
Swampy and Muddy Ground Texture with Rocks and Pebbles
It is a flooded and muddy texture. It looks like surfaces of marshes.

Undoubtedly, it is an excellent texture for swampland, marshland and bogs.

Comparing to Ground 0001, it is more moisture-laden and its surface is smoother.
Wet Muddy Ground Texture with Rocks and Stones
This lumpy texture has an irregular surface which has numerous pebbles.

The damp and marshy texture grants it the appearance of a swampy ground.
Concrete Texture with Cracks and Mold
This concrete has a bit shiny texture. A few big cracks are running on the concrete. Greenish mold also grows on the surface.

It looks natural when being used as concrete wall or floor texture of damaged buildings and roads.