Zigzag Unipaver Blocks in Herringbone with Alternating Diagonals
This concrete block has zigzag edges allowing each brick to interlock each other. The blocks are arranged in herringbone orientation and paired up to form alternating diagonal pattern.

It is a gorgeous texture for paving public areas and pathways.
Zig Zag Unipaver Concrete Bricks in Herringbone
This unipaver block has a zig zag edges and being arranged in herringbone orientation.

This texture is very suitable for texturing walkway and park.
Herringbone Ebony Dark Ash Wood Tiles
The dark ash wood tiles belongs to the ebony hard wood category. The herringbone arrangement is widely used for flooring.

The color, grout width, edge wear etc. can be changed by the SBSAR file.
Herringbone Dark Ash Wood Tiles
The dark reddish ash wood tiles are arranged in herringbone format.

The edge wear and grout width can be tuned by the SBSAR file.
Herringbone Pink Porcelain Tiles
The color of those tiles is a mixture of pink and pink blue giving its a vivid tone. The layout is arranged in the common herringbone format.

Edge wear level, surface bumps, grout and dirt can be fine tuned by using the SBSAR Substance Designer archive file.
Herringbone Emerald Porcelain Tiles
These emerald tiles are of porcelain type arranged in herringbone layout. The shiny surface makes it excellent for kitchens and bathrooms.

If you would like to have a little touch on this texture, you may download the SBSAR file which allows you to change grout color, disable the 45-degree rotation and control the edge wear level.
Black and White Herringbone Tiles
It is the most simplest form of the herringbone tiles which are commonly used in the kitchens and bathrooms. The white tiles and the black grout create a prominent contrast.

With the SBSAR file, users can change the tile color, grout color and the curvature of the tile.

Blistered Paint
The surface of this paint is blistering and bubbling due to ageing and bad maintenance.

The SBSAR allows users to adjust the paint color, number, size and intensity of bubbles and dents etc.
Herringbone Parquet Wooden Floor Texture
It is a parquet having wooden tiles arranged in a herringbone layout. The wood color and pattern is similar to those of birch and cedar.

Though all tiles are brown, they have different degrees of darkness.

Oval-shape tree barks can also be found on planks. There is also some non-reflective dirt on the surface.
Grey Brick Texture in Herringbone Pattern
They are classic tiled grey bricks which can be found in many streets and parks.

Bricks can be arranged in a lot of patterns. Herringbone pattern is one of the most common patterns, which can be found on many pavements.

This texture is quite similar to Bricks 0003, except it is grey and its edges are worn out.

It is suitable for pavements and sidewalk, especially outdoor ones.
Red Brick Texture in Herringbone Pattern
They are classic tiled red bricks which can be found in many streets and parks.

Bricks can be arranged in a lot of patterns. Herringbone pattern is one of the most common patterns, which can be found on many pavements.

It is suitable for pavements and sidewalks, especially outdoor ones.