Orange Painted Wall Texture with Silver Networking Pattern
This is a wall decor with orange concave holes separated by silver network-like pattern.

This material is gorgeous for interior design, especially if you want to add some bright elements into your plan.
Wave-Shaped Grille Metal Mesh
It is a metal mesh having a wavy pattern.

The color and bevel can be adjusted by the Substance SBSAR file.
Oxidized Iron Wire Fence
It is a metal fencing, but the iron net is highly oxidized.

The iron color, surface texture, level of bending, degree of oxidation, color of rust, range of rust can be managed through the SBSAR file.

Besides the default oxidated default preset, there are also presets of perfect, highly oxidized, highly rusted.
Rusty Iron Wire Fence
It is a metal fencing with a lot of rust.

The metal color, bump intensity, deformation level, oxidation level, rust color, rust amount can be managed through the SBSAR file.

Besides the default rusty default preset, there are also presets of perfect, highly oxidized, highly rusted.
Wireframe Generator
It is a wireframe generator which can generate seamless wireframe, framed wireframe and so on.

The SBSAR file allows users to change the wire color, wire amount, wire thickness etc.
Chain-link Metal Wire Fencing Texture
It is a chain-link fencing made of iron or steel. It is galvanized to reduce corrosion, so it can keep its shiny silver color.

Chain-link Iron Wire Fence Texture Woven in Diamond Shape
(Metal 0017)
is similar to this material except Metal 0017 is highly oxidized and has a lot of rust.
Chain-link Iron Wire Fence Texture Woven in Diamond Shape
It is a chain-link fence made of iron or steel. Frequently, it is woven in diamond shapes which form the characteristic of this type of fences.

Due to weathering, this fence has some degrees of deformation. Rust, oxidation and dirt can be everywhere. There are some worn on wires too.