Human Face Skin Texture
It is a human skin texture. Due to its smoothness, this skin is more suitable for faces.

The SBSAR allows users to adjust the skin colours.
Wool and Yarn Knitting
It is a piece of clothes made by knitting yarn. Interlaced pattern can be found on this texture.

The wool color, level of color variation, position random, rotation random and distortion can all be changed by the Substance 3D SBSAR file.
Herringbone Pink Porcelain Tiles
The color of those tiles is a mixture of pink and pink blue giving its a vivid tone. The layout is arranged in the common herringbone format.

Edge wear level, surface bumps, grout and dirt can be fine tuned by using the SBSAR Substance Designer archive file.
Grey and Pink Granite Marble Texture
It is a granite type of marble which is composed of grey, pink, black and white flake-like patterns.

Grey is the major color, but pink also play an important role in defining the granite colors.
Red or Pink Terrazzo Tile Texture with Black and White Fragments
They are red terrazzo tiles having black and white fragments with a few yellowish flake patterns in between.

Edges are worn and damaged.

The terrazzo is quite similar to "Marble 0004" which is green instead of pink.