Rain Ripples Texture on Puddle
A puddle being hit by loads of raindrops which form ripples on the wet floor.

You may create a plane above any ground and make this water layer semi-transparent as demonstrated on the web page.
Decal: Asphalt Puddle Map
It is an asphalt ground which is full of puddles. You may extract related PBR maps as decals and combined with your existing ones to create puddles for your models.

The colors of the puddles and ground, and the roughness of the puddles and ground can be changed by the Substance SBSAR file.
Classic Cobblestones with Puddles
It is a typical cobblestones which can be found in streets of European countries. There are puddles in gaps.

The SBSAR gives the flexibility for users to amend the number of tiles, level of edge wear, gap width, position random, level of surface wear, water level, color etc.
Fan Shape Cobblestone Pavement Texture
It is a fan-shape pavement covered by greyish cobblestones which are masked by a thin layer of brownish sand. Edge wear can also be found on these little rocks.

The SBSAR grants users the flexibility to change the numbers of cobblestones and rings, edge wear level, sand level etc. Users can also add puddles to the material though the default texture does not have any sign of puddles.
Broken Tiles Texture with Puddles
It is a ground covered with broken tiles. Puddles can be found on this material. By close examination, concrete lines can be seen.

The SBSAR file allows users to adjust the tile amount, tilt level, grout depth, number of broken tiles, quantity of cracks, water level of puddles etc.
Muddy Ground Texture with Puddles
It is a muddy ground covered by web mud , pebbles and puddles.

The SBSAR file offers the feasibility of adjusting the water level, wetness, colour of puddles.
Red Sandstones / Mudstones
It is a red sandstone or mudstone texture. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of tiny silicate grains.

This rock can increase the varieties of stone species in the natural environment of CG scene.
Muddy Ground with Footsteps in Sludge
This is mostly a muddy ground having some footsteps on the squelchy sludge. A few heavier footsteps squish the mud deeper. It creates puddles everywhere.
Muddy Swamp with Fallen Leaves
This is a muddy swamp and fallen leaves are everywhere. There are a lot of tiny pebbles in the mud. Puddles also appear on this wet and sticky earth.
Swampy and Muddy Wetland Texture
It is a high wet ground which is very muddy and marshy. There are pebbles and stones scattered among the whole land, but they are covered by clay.

On this bumpy soft ground, there are also a few puddles.
Sandy Seashore Ground Texture with Water Puddles
It is a ground near seashore. This seashore is entirely covered by yellowish sand.

Due to uneven surface, sea water is trapped in some holes creating water puddles in this sandy land.

Water and wind marks can also be found on the beach.
Forest Ground Texture with Twigs, Pebbles and Rocks
It is a ground in a forest covered by big rocks, different sizes of twigs, pebbles and stones.

Those twigs and pebbles are different in both sizes and colors. They are randomly scattered among the whole ground.

Dirt can also be found around branches and stones.

Wet Muddy Ground Texture with Fallen Leaves
It is a wet and muddy ground of a forest. Large, medium and small rocks or stones can be found everywhere. Tiny fallen leaves cover almost the whole slimy ground.
Wet Muddy Ground Texture with Rocks and Stones
This lumpy texture has an irregular surface which has numerous pebbles.

The damp and marshy texture grants it the appearance of a swampy ground.