Steak Doneness Texture
This texture is a medium done beef having hot pink center and slightly firmer texture.

With the sbsar, the doneness can be controlled, so you can create rare, medium rare, medium, medium rare and well done meat.

This is the inner part of beef. If you want the grilled outside part, no problem, the same sbsar will do.

To quickly get the medium done beef, I would suggest using the presets.

=== Presets ===

Default: barbecued steak with grill marks

Side: sides of grilled steak

Inside: The inner part of the steak. Doneness can be controlled.

Grilled Steak Texture with Grill Marks
It is a grilled steak on which there are some charred part. It is sprinkled with a lot of black pepper and parsley.

More importantly, the steak has a nice crossed grill marks.

With the sbsar file, you can disable either direction of the grill marks. Besides, all the seasoning can be adjusted.
A5 Wagyu Beef Steak with Marbling Texture
It is a raw beef steak having beautiful marbling. The intramuscular fat is evenly distributed among the whole piece of meat giving it the marble pattern.

Only Japanese A5 Wagyu or Australian M12 Wagyu has such fine marbling.

When it is closely examined, flesh texture could also be found.